Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Kids Point System

For years I tried to find the solution to reward my kids without having to repeat myself and I think I found it. The KPS system is great. Hope this help every mother in the world!

This great program is for everyone, the income should not be consider because kids will need to earn things by themselves eventually. For example: If there is a kid with a wealthy household and he gets everything, eventually in life he will have a harder time to acquire all the goods that where always provided by the parents. In the opposite scenario a kid needs to know the value of money, so I tried to triple the price or more, and translated that to points. That way you learn that earning points is a process and you value work and effort.

I really value when kids have initiatives or are very creative. Thats the base of a leader in the future, so for good grades, initiatives, creativity, new things etc, I assign the highest points.

The Kids Point System is a way to help you and your kids have an easier ride with a reward program. Start as early as 3 yrs old.

I will give you all the possible scenarios and what points are assign to each chore and you will add and subtract to each child along the way.

Ask your child to make a list of a few things he wants ( this could be a toy, a tennis lesson, a guitar, a book, etc)
Explain the system to your child with the points assigned below. You will have 2 list, one of earning points and the other of subtracting points. I will keep it simple so you don't get crazy along the way.

+5 (Earning Points) List:

Wake up (includes brushing teeth, getting dress, making bed)
Bedtime (includes getting ready before the curfew time)
(remember the system is made not to repeat yourself, so if you have to say things more than once, there are no points earned)
Ready to eat at the table ( that means to be seated when everyone else is or the first time called just 5 pts for the 3 meals at home)
Homework ( in case of smaller kids that need help make sure you tell them just once to sit down)
Initiatives (If they start something and you don't even have to say it)
Picking up toys
Good deeds (being polite, helping others, something that makes the child a better person)
( you could assign some other chores or responsibilities)

Getting A's
Winning in a sport
Learning (like reading a book, learning history etc)

Let's talk about subtracting points, make sure you don't over do it, it could get bored and the system will crash.

Bad words
Bad behavior
Not sharing with others
( I would recommend keeping this a short list, you could balance between just not earning points at all, instead of subtracting constantly)

Example: My son wants a new tennis racket and soccer lessons, and for a toy he wants a skating board. So I say, the tennis racket is 250 pts, the soccer lessons 300 pts and the skating board is 500 pts. Make sure your points are high enough to feel that they're working for something.

Keep track of your points, eventually in life this could translate into money.

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